SIRE: CH Camelot’s Go For the Gold, BROM, FROM
DAM: CH Smokycity High And Mighty
DOB: 10/6/2003
Breeders: John White, Jeannette White, & Thomas Wilson
Owners: Duane C Stewart DVM, April M Stewart, Mary Ann Stewart, & Autumn M Stewart-
WCA Hall of Fame 2019
Tessa LOVED to show! Tessa was ranked a Top 10 Weimaraner 4 years in a row, mostly owner handled, and she won a WCA Top 20 Award of Merit in 2008 (plus was a Finalist twice). Tessa’s wonderful show career also included winning 7 Sporting Group 1s, many group placements, and multiple Best In Specialty Shows. We were always so proud of Tessa, the sweetest girl and a fantastic mom!
Beyond Tessa’s many accomplishments, her progeny have achieved even more. In addition to her 2 years as Top Producing Dam (2009 & 2011), Tessa is #5 BROM Dam of *all time* (20 champions), with a daughter Zoe who is #3 BROM Dam of *all time* (and Top Producing Dam in 2012).
Multiple of Tessa’s children & grandchildren have won/been: Best In Show, Best in Specialty Show, WCA Top 20 (plus people’s choice & award of merit... and 3 granddaughters competing together in 2015... Sister Posse!!!), #1 Show Weimaraner, Westminster BOB/BOS, Groups (and many placements, including NOHS), Futurity & Maturity, Champion, Grand Champion (through Platinum), Canadian/International/UKC Champion, performance & hunting titles... and therapy dogs! ... these include: “Zoe” BIS mBISS GCHS Doc’s Seven Ships of Acadia, CGC, BROM; “Nash” mBIS mBISS GCHP Doc N’ Camelot’s Heaven Can Wait, BROM; “Bella” mBIS mBISS GCHP Doc’s Greyborn North Star of Acadia; “Cabo” CH Doc's Baja Surfer Boy, CD, RN, JH, NRD, V; “Emma” mBISS GCHP Doc’s Crosswinds Absolut Ten of Acadia, CGC, BROM.
Tessa was an amazing girl, and the generations following her are ensuring Tessa’s legacy.
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