WCA Book List
Weimaraner Ways by Virginia Alexander & Jackie Isabell (Sun Starr USA 2010 Special Edition)
The most in-depth study of the breed and its history to date, the book is fascinating reading from cover to cover. 915 + pages, with 36 updated chapters, 32 now in color, Including agility and NAVHDA
More than 1500 images, most in color. Many never before published. With fresh works by: William Wegman, Gene LaFollette, and Harry Giglio
Could have been named the Weimaraner Bible with no shading of the truth. Contains many photos by William Wegman and the book is full of photos and art as well. This is available through www.weimaraners.com or by calling (540) 671-5409.
Weimaraner Memory Yearbook: The Weimaraner celebrates 100 years!
Here is a book detailing the exciting celebrations about this historic event held in Weimar, Germany 1997. The layout is fashioned in a "Yearbook" style to utilize as many photos and graphic images as possible. The reader will discover an abundance of breed history. The text is featured in a unique bilingual presentation.
Each book features a film laminated, case bound cover measuring 9" x 12", smyth sewn text, individually shrink-wrapped, and a page count of approximately 255. There is a limited number of books available. This is the last of a true Weimaraner legacy, and there will be no more printed. Please contact The Weimaraner Foundation Fund for ordering information.
Weimaraner Heute (The Weimaraner Today) by Dr.Werner Petri.
Published April 2001. In the German language. Available through amazon.de.
For assistance in ordering "Weimaraner Heute", please contact Thomas & Stephanie Koehler, WCA Liaison to the German Weimaraner Klub e.V. at tkoehler@satx.rr.com.
The Weimaraner by Jack Denton Scott
The Weimaraner by Jack Denton Scott (Fawcett-Dearing Publishing USA 1953) This is the oldest known book about the Weimaraner and is extremely rare. It contains articles from early Argosy and Field and Stream magazines about the Weimaraner in the US. Of inestimable value is the discussion of the earliest theories of the origin of the breed.
It also includes the complete text of the first accepted US Standard and the rejected 1949 version of the standard. Excepts from several of the first issues of The Weimaraner Magazine of the WCA of which Mr Denton Scott was editor.
Weimaraners by Anna Katherine Nicholas
Weimaraners by Anna Katherine Nicholas (TFH Publications USA1990) This is a first book on the breed. The edition of 1983 contained 24 full color photos and 125 pages, the edition of 1988 125 full color photos and 160 pages and the latest is (1990) over 175 full color illustrations and 192 pages. This book presents sensible, easy-to-follow recommendations about selecting and caring for a Weimaraner.
Searching for Silver-Grey by Liz Harding and Debbie Ryan
Searching for Silver-Grey by Liz Harding and Debbie Ryan. - Australia.(2005). This book, of over 400 pages, traces the first 50 years of the Weimaraner in Australia and includes many photographs of the foundation dogs of the breed. A large number of these have never been seen in print before.
Searching for Silver-Grey contains photos of many prominent dogs in the Australian pedigrees, past and present; imported dogs from England, Germany, America, Canada and New Zealand. A large section of the book is devoted to a Breeders Listing that gives a pictorial description of the breed as it will be found in Australia today.
The book is a hard covered edition approximately 8.5in x 12in in gunmetal grey. Ordering details contact Liz Harding at gundog@netspace.net.au
The Complete Weimaraner by William W. Denlinger
The Complete Weimaraner by William W. Denlinger (Denlinger USA 1954) is the second oldest American book about the Weimaraner. It is a difficult book to find.
This is an excellent book to understand the origin of the breed in Germany and the breeds arrival to North America, with many old photographs.
The Weimaraner by Anna Katherine Nicholas
The Weimaraner by Anna Katherine Nicholas (TFH Publications USA 1986) 288 pages. This is the follow up of Harts This is the Weimaraner.
The book has less history, but more on the current state of the breed, mainly in the US. Contains lots of color photos, and gives an overview on Weimaraners in Hawaii, Canada, Australia, England and South Africa.
The Essential Weimaraner by Patsy Hollings
Patsy Hollings wrote her second book on the breed - The Essential Weimaraner, by Ringpress Books, Lydney UK. It contains 168 pages and was published this year (presented at the Crufts in Birmingham in March).
She describes the development of the Weimaraner, bringing a puppy home, showing, working and breeding Weimaraners, whelping and rearing a litter, diseases and health care, winning kennels in the UK, the Weim worldwide and a special chapter on the Weim in North America.
Der Weimaraner Vorstehhund (The Weimaraner Pointing Dog)
The president of the German Wemaraner Club, Dr. Werner Petri wrote a book called Der Weimaraner Vorstehhund (The Weimaraner Pointing Dog). The second edition is of 1984. It contains 51 pages in German on the history, the breed standard, the breeding in Germany, training and field trials and so on. It has some old pictures of the early days of the Weimaraner in Germany and information on who owned a Weimaraner in those days in Germany.