WCA Junior Program
The purpose of the Junior Handling Program is to encourage and promote interest in Weimaraners in our Young adults. Also, to honor those who show outstanding qualities in furthering the capabilities of the Weimaraner. These rules can assist Junior Members in setting goals and working towards those accomplishments.
We would like to see youth challenge themselves to that end. These are life skills that can start at a young age. The WCA is very supportive of its youth program but it also takes the adult members and local clubs to promote this program and offer opportunities for the youth to participate in.
Please contact Barb Taylor with your results or any questions you may have.
Barbara Taylor, 253-475-1227, barb@nventure.com
WCA Junior Chairperson
WCA Junior Program Rules
The following Junior Handling Program will be in effect from January 1, - December 31 of
the current year, subject to the approval of the WCA Board of Directors each year. The Board
has the power to make changes in the following Junior Handling Program as they deem
necessary without notice.
The purpose of the Junior Handling Program is to encourage and promote interest in Weimaraners in our Young adults. Also, to honor those who show outstanding qualities in furthering the capabilities of the Weimaraner. These rules can assist Junior Members in setting goals and working towards those accomplishments.
Download the Junior Program Rules and Scholarship Guidelines
DONATE to the WCA Juniors Program
DONATE to the WCA Juniors Program