The Weimaraner Club Of America
Most Versatile Weimaraner Award – February, 2024
To offer a Most Versatile Weimaraner Award at the National Specialty Week events to recognize the overall versatility of the Weimaraner. This prize will be awarded to the Weimaraner who accumulates the most points by placing/qualifying in at least three of the various venues offered at the WCA National Specialty.
Offered annually beginning with the 2015 National Specialty.
Rules & Scoring for Most Versatile Weimaraner (MVW) Award
Entries and Scorekeeper:
1) A handler can enter a dog for the Most Versatile Award by filling out the MVW form available online. The form must be submitted online by the last closing date.
2) The WCA Companion Committee will appoint a committee member or representative at the specialty as scorekeeper to track the points based on the Show/Trial Secretary results.
3) Points for each dog entered will be posted daily.
4) The top five contenders will be announced at the National Specialty Awards Banquet. The winner of the award need not be present to win. If the winner is not present, awards will be mailed.
Qualifications for the Most Versatile Weimaraner Award:
1) Dogs must participate and earn points in at least three of the following eight venues (not all venues may be offered every year, only WCA events qualify):
a. Agility
b. Conformation
c. Obedience
d. Rally
e. Tracking
f. Shooting Ratings
g. Retrieving Ratings
2) A dog may be entered in more than three venues. The single highest point value earned in each venue will be used in tabulating the points earned for that venue. Points within venues are not cumulative. Additional points will not be awarded for multiple placements/qualifying scores in each venue. The dog with the highest combined total score for all venues will be awarded Most Versatile Weimaraner. In the event of a tie see "Tie Breaking Criteria" at the end of the points list.
Special Awards - Recognizing the multi-talented Weimaraner
1) 1) High Scoring Versatile Junior Weimaraner: For the high scoring Weimaraner under the age of 2 that qualifies in at least three venues under the MVW rules.
2) High Scoring Versatile Senior Weimaraner: For the high scoring Weimaraner over the age of 7 that qualifies in at least three venues under the MVW rules.
3) Versatile Tri–Athlete: To recognize all Weimaraners that qualify in at least three venues offered under the MVW rules. Champions of record entered and in Best of Breed or any other qualifying conformation class get credit toward this award.
1) Most Versatile Weimaraner will receive a rosette matching that of WCA Best of Breed
2) High Scoring Versatile Junior and Senior Weimaraners will receive a rosette
3) Versatile Tri–Athletes will receive a rosette
1) Regular Classes
a. 2 points: Qualifying score in any Novice/Preferred Novice class
b. 3 points: Qualifying score in Time 2 Beat
c. 4 points: Qualifying score in any Open/Preferred Open class
d. 5 points: Qualifying score in any Excellent/Preferred Excellent class
a. 7 points: High Scoring Weimaraner in Trial
4) Maximum Agility Points = 7
Conformation - AKC Regular/Non-Regular classes that can move on to the Best of Breed competition. Does not include Sweepstakes, Futurity/Maturity or classes such as Stud Dog, Brood Bitch, Team, etc.
• 1 point: Place 1–4 in a Class
• 1 point: To all champions of record entered in any class at the National Specialty
• 2 points: Reserve Winners Dog or Bitch
• 3 points: Winners Dog/Winners Bitch
• 4 points: Best of Winners or Award of Merit
• 5 points: Select Dog/Select Bitch
• 6 points: Best Opposite Sex to Best of Breed
• 7 points: Best of Breed
• Maximum Conformation Points = 7
• 2 points: Qualifying score in Beginner Novice
• 3 points: Qualifying score in Novice or Graduate Novice
• 4 points: Qualifying score in Open, Graduate Open
• 6 points: Qualifying score in Utility
• 7 points: High in Trial and/or High Combined
• Maximum Obedience Points = 7
• 1 point: Qualifying score in Novice
• 2 points: Qualifying score in Intermediate
• 3 points: Qualifying score in Advanced
• 4 points: Qualifying Score in Excellent
• 5 points: Qualifying score in either Master or Advanced + Excellent
• 6 points: Winning High Combined in Advanced/Excellent
• 7 points: Winning Triple High Combined Award - Master Advanced Excellent
• Maximum Rally Points = 7
WCA Shooting Ratings
• 1 points: Qualifying in Novice Shooting Dog
• 4 points: Qualifying in Shooting Dog
• 6 points: Qualifying Shooting Dog Excellent
• Maximum Shooting Ratings Points = 6
WCA Retrieving Ratings
• 2 points: Qualifying in Novice Retrieving Dog
• 5 points: Qualifying in Retrieving Dog
• 7 points: Qualifying Retrieving Dog Excellent
• Maximum Retrieving Ratings Points = 7
Hunting Test for Pointing Breeds
• 2 points: Qualifying in Junior Hunter
• 5 points: Qualifying in Senior Hunter
• 7 points: Qualifying in Master Hunter
• Maximum Hunting Test for Pointing Breeds Points = 7
• 3 points: Passing Tracking Dog Test/Tracking Dog Urban
• 5 points: Passing a Tracking Dog Excellent Test
• 7 points: Passing a Variable Surface Tracking Dog Test
• Maximum Tracking Points = 7
• If there are not enough tracks available to offer each Weimaraner cross entered in tracking and MVW an opportunity to track then the tracking points will not be awarded.
Additional Points:
An additional half point will be awarded to each dog that wins their class (in events that award placements). In the event of multiple classes in a single venue, only one additional half point will be awarded per venue (i.e. a dog winning both Novice Agility Jumpers and Novice Standard will only be awarded one additional half point along with their qualifying point).
In the event of a tie, the following tie breaker rules will go into effect, in order:
1) The dog earning points in the greatest number of venues
2) If a tie still exists, all point values earned in each venue would be combined and totaled for each dog with the highest total score being the winning dog. For example, a dog that had earned a High in Trial in Obedience by winning the Novice B class would count 7 points for High in Trial, plus 1/2 point for winning Novice B, plus 2 points for qualifying in Novice B. In the event the dogs were still tied after this tally, WCA would recognize that an absolute tie occurred and dual awards would be given.