Am Can CH Ann's Rickey Boy, CD
Sire: CH Deals Sporting True Aim II, BROM
Dam: Am Can CH Ann's Sidney Sue, CD
DOB: May 8, 1952
Breeder/Owner: Mrs. Homer Kepler
WCA Hall of Fame 1989
In the early 1950's, Ch Ann's Rickey Boy and Ann Kepler became the breed's first owner handler team. Their extensive travels set a new precedent, and they even went north of the border for a Canadian championship. In those days of benched shows, Rickey and Ann were goodwill ambassadors for the breed.
His show record is amazing in itself (155 BOB; 116 Group Placements, including 16 first and 37 seconds; two Best Am. Bred in Show; one Best in Show; and 35 Specialty wins). Rick would be considered a great dog on the strength of this record alone. However, it is in the stud department that Rick really left his mark. As of now, he is the sire of 26 Champions, with several others who will surely finish soon. He is the sire of two Group winners. The number of champions in whose pedigrees he appears in impossible to calculate, but their legions include BIS Am.& Can. Ch. Shadowmar Barthaus Dorilio, and the winning Champions, Gronback's Aladdin and Kebbena's Rudolf of Bear Creek.
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