SIRE: CH Colsidex Nani Follow A Dream
DAM: CH Top Hats Spitfire
DOB: 6/17/93
Breeder: Cheryl Orr & Christopher Buckley
Owner: Judy Colan, Elaine Meader & Joyce Kealoha
WCA Hall of Fame 2004
In the show ring, Fergie did it all. Finished with three 5 point majors including the 1994 National Specialty. 1995 Best Bitch in Futurity. After the Futurity she went to Stan Flowers to be campaigned. Less than a month later, she won her first Best In Show. In a little over 18 mths she made breed history by breaking all records with 27 Best In Shows.
27 Best in Shows
77 Group I - 48 Group II - 27 Group III - 13 Group IV - 211 BOB - 8 Specialty - 1 Ntl Specialty
In 1995 she was #1 Weimaraner and #2 Sporting Dog
Her amazing record of winning or placing in the Sporting Group 82% of the time is another record for the breed.
Bred only once, she is the dam of 3 champions:
Ch Colsidex Seabreeze Bet The Farm, TD, BROM
Ch Colsidex The Farm Carbon Copy - Futurity Winner
Ch Colsidex Celebrity of Camelot, JH
Fergie never met a stranger and was a great ambassador for the breed.
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