SIRE: Sieger Arco vd Filzen "V"
DAM: Siegerin Asta V Bruckberg "V" rs ms sil W sss spurl tot
DOB: 2/29/1948
Breeder: Max Baumier
Owner: Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Deal
WCA Hall of Fame 1989
A member of the fabled Harrasburg “B” litter and, quite simply, one of the greatest Weimaraners who ever lived. Amateur handled in the ring by his owner, Elvin Deal, with whom he is pictured, he became a champion in seven shows including winners dog at Westminster when he was 11 months old. Trained and handled by Chet Cummings, he was the first Weim to win an Open-All-Age stake against Pointers and Setters and was named to the 1955 Sports Afield All-American Team. He has 17 Field Trial victories and ran in his last Pointer-Setter trial at 11 years of age, placing third. He was the sire of 21 Champions including the first dog to be Best In Show in the United States and he was also the sire of the National Open and national Amateur All Age Champion in 1953.
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