SIRE: CH Colsidex Standing Ovation, BROM, HOF
DAM: CH Nani's Cobbie Cuddler, BROM, HOF
DOB 11/25/1985
Breeders: Judy Colan & Christine Medeiros
Owner: Judy Colan
WCA Hall of Fame 2001
Jack was a multiple specialty, group and maturity winner as well as a Westminster BOB winner. His first points were won at 6 months of age when he was BOW for 5 points at the Yankee Specialty. He was in the Top Ten for several years and earned his JH in 4 straight hunt tests.
Jack's real contribution to the breed was his ability as a sire. Sire of 54 champions he is the #5 BROM top producer. An amazing 20 percent of his champions are themselves BROM top producers. His offspring include: 1 BIS winner, 12 Futurity/Maturity winners, 12 obedience title holders, 9 hunt test title holders and 11 BROM top producers.
In addition to his American Offspring, his frozen semen was used in Australia for one litter. That litter produced 5 BIS winners which include the all time top winning Weimaraner in Australia who was a multiple BIS winner and BIS at the Sydney Royal, the Westminster of Australia over an entry of more than 5000 dogs.
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