SIRE: CH Seneca's Medicine Man, HOF
DAM: CH Colsidex Dauntless Applause, HOF
DOB 1/24/1974
Breeder/Owner: Judy Colan
WCA Hall of Fame 1989
A multiple Best in Show winner, Joga was breeder / owner handled to Top Dog for 1976 and 1977, Joga's reaching, driving gait and outstanding conformation made him a formidable contender in Top Sporting Dog competition.
The proof of any dog is in his get and this is where Joga has proved himself many times over. It is into the 1980's that Joga made his mark as a producer and has been #1 BROM dog since 1984. His get are Best in Show, Best in Specialty Show, group winners and placers, as well as obedience titled and field rated.
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