SIRE: CH Greywinds Jack Frost, CD
DAM: CH Seabreeze Autumn Piper, CD
DOB: 3/27/87
Breeder: Marge Davis, Barbara Didjurgis, Karen Lewis
Owner: Sherry Cooper & Marge Davis
WCA Hall of Fame 2005
Sparky was six times #1 Obedience Weimaraner. For five years she was the Top Obedience Weim all systems. Earning all three obedience titles in one year, Sparky finished her Utility title in 3 straight shows. She is the only Weimarner to be awarded the Dual Championship for earning a show championship and OT championship title in 1992. She then earned her Junior Hunter title in four straight hunt tests. Sparky was also the first Weim to earn a Utility Dog Excellent title. Retired in December, 1994, Sparky was a multiple High in Trial and High Combined winner including the 1994 WCA National Specialty. Sparky was was then handled by Junior Handler, Maggie Bonness for a year, earning multiple first places, qualifying Maggie for Westminster and earning Maggie the #1 Weimaraner Junior Handler. At the age of 10, Sparky earned her Novice Agility title in 3 straight trials placing in all 3 trials. Her third leg was First Place at the First WCA Agility Trial in Perry, GA. She also earned her NRD at the same National.
When she wasn't showing on weekends, she was buy showing her skills off as a pet therapy dog. Her gentle nature and love of children made her a natural to move up to children in wheelchairs and place her head in their lap. She often didnt know when to make the distinction and once, after seeing a child watching her work in Utility, left the ring to “do her job”. She is greatly missed by her family and friends, but we know she is busy hunting birds with her mom, dad and "candy" sisters.
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