SIRE: Grafmar's Silver Knight, CD
DAM: Aurav. Gaiberg, CD, BROM
DOB: 11/1/1941
Breeder: Margaret Horn
Owner: Helen Peck
WCA Hall of Fame 1991
"Jupe" was the first UD Weimaraner (and UDT also). Margaret Horn describes him as "excessively protective, eager, brilliantly intelligent, spirited and bold". Weimaraner field trials did not occur until Jupiter was past his prime. However, he passed the above traits on to some of the more outstanding field dogs of the next few generations. Among others, he sired Ch. Decker's Misty Marvel, Ch. Grafmar's Dilly Dally, and FC. Bitsu von Basha, Ch. Debar's Platinum Specter and Ch. Count von Houghton.
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