CH Greysport Amazing Grace, UDTX, NSD, RDX, VX, BROM, TDI
SIRE: Windfalls Frost of Kragnasty
DAM: CH Hoot Hollows Firefly, CD, TDX
DOB 5/9/1983
Breeder/Owner: Judith K. Thompson
WCA Hall of Fame 2001
Grace was the puppy that did not exist! Despite two prenatal x-rays by two excellent vets, I was told that her dam, Ch. Hoot Hollow's Firefly, CD, TDX, V, was not pregnant. But I knew otherwise. Grace was delivered into my waiting hands on May 9, 1983. Since she was a singleton and delivered by caeserean section, the anesthesia took its toll and I fought 24 hour a day for ten days. I tube fed, stimulated and held her and above all, WILLED her to live!
And LIVE she did! Gracie spent the rest of her days making me HAPPY and PROUD!
She was certified for AKC TD entry at 16 WEEKS of age. She earned her TD in her FIRST test at six months three days. Then on to TDX. She earned her TDX title in her first test at the second National TDX test in Ohio. She was only 18 month old at the time. In her lifetime, Grace followed 48-hour-old tracks with ease, and once found a starter's pistol in a 50-acre corn field because I asked her to.
The obedience titles came easily, too, although Grace found obedience a bit boring. She earned her CD with five straight qualifying scores - all with class placements. Her CDX came in four shows - five months later. Then her UD seven months later in only four attempts. I campaigned her in obedience for two years, and she remained in the Top Ten both years. And, I feel that if Gracie had actually been fully awake during this period, we could've earned an OTCh title! Her average score was about 190.0, so she remained, at least, semi-conscious throughout the whole ordeal!
Her field ratings were more exciting for her. She earned an NSD, NRD, RD, and an RDX all within a year's time.
Gracie excelled in the whelping box as well. In only two litters in two consecutive years, she produced five champions, three CDs, two CDXs, four TDs, four NRDs, four NSDs, one RD, two JHs, one SH, and three Vs. Both of her litters were born on January 20th.
There has not been a day since then that I haven't missed her! She was TRULY an AMAZING dog.
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