SIRE: Grafmars Ador, CD, BROM–H.R.
DAM: Silver Blue Sue, BROM–H.R.
DOB 3/7/1946
Breeder: Hasel Lampkin
Owner: Mrs. Helms Crutchfield
WCA Hall of Fame 1989
Stormy and his devoted mistress really put their best foot forward, showing the marvelous training adaptability of the Weimaraner. Over a four year period Stormys record is still awesome! 61 BOB; first Weimaraner to win Canadian Reserve Best in Show; first to win Best Brace in Show with son Ch. Helmanhof's Uhlan.
All of the preceding was incidental to the following; CD, CDX, UD, 10 times top scoring in show with 3 perfect scores. Two time winner of the Kubel Memorial Trophy. Three times Best Obedience Brace in Show with Wave of Mortgaged Acres. Stormy won firsts from New York to California to Florida.
Sue and Stormy gave obedience exhibitions starting in 1948, among which were such prestigious events as Madison Square Garden in 1949, the Polo Grounds, Yankee Stadium, New York's SPCA Training Club and many Kennel Club shows.
In Feb. 1952, while in N.Y. City for an exhibition at Westminster, Stormy jumped a hedge in Central Park. It was deceptive for the ground sloped upward beyond the hedge, however, there was a sheer cliff dropping 24 feet to a narrow road beyond the hedge. Stormy was severely injured. He recovered but his exhibition days were ended.
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