SIRE: CH Bama Belle's Mountiain Man, BROM
DAM: Greysport Duchess of Grace, TD
DOB 9/30/1989
Breeder: Ronald & JoAnn Good
Owner: Diane Vater
WCA Hall of Fame 2006
Moose was a remarkable dog. He was friendly, fearless, alert and obedient just as the standard states. He sired multiple bench champions and performance titled dogs including UD, TDX, MH & VX. He was a Top Ten Obedience dog with multiple Best of Breed wins, and the most titled dog of his time. Moose was also a therapy dog, visiting nursing homes and doing demos for community groups. He had points toward his Amateur Field Championship.
A defining moment came early in Diane's relationship with Moose. Diane relates how Moose was her constant companion and helped at her shop and training facility. He would greet and welcome, but then would make himself comfortable in an out of the way corner and watch over things. Diane was often there late and alone. One night 5 older teen-age boys dressed all in black came into her shop. They did not smile or talk and when they looked at her she said chills ran up her spine. She was truly terrified - until Moose almost knocked her over as he went past her in pursuit. They ran out the door with Moose closing in, but he stopped at the threshold. Diane has always wondered if he sensed something in them or just the fear in her. But after that he accompanied her whenever she felt there might be a problem. He could be seen in her truck enjoying the ride, but still on duty.
A quote from Diane: "The other stuff, the titles and all, he did for me. He wanted to work and make me happy. He truly enjoyed obedience. He was not precise, but always happy. He would celebrate clean finds at trials and hunt tests by throwing himself on the ground and rolling. I think that it must have been genetic because Judy Thompson talked about his grandmother 'Gracie' rolling on her glove at tracking tests."
This dog was much more than statistical records (which alone make him worthy of the HOF) but was a best friend in true Weimaraner fashion.
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