SIRE: Sue's Sir Lancelot, UD, NSD, RD, V
DAM: Lady Guinevere of Ekselo, NSD
DOB: 11/10/1987
Breeders: Glenn Thomas and Ellen OLeske
Owner: Susan Thomas
WCA Hall of Fame 1995
"Becky" was an extremely intelligent and versatile dog as well as a wonderful companion. Her obedience titles were a snap with a CD at six months one week of age and her CDX at fourteen months. She was on the Top Ten Obedience list as well as on the Top Ten field list.
Becky was completely owner/amateur handled to all the points needed for her field championship. She handled very kindly, was a natural bird dog and never needed a correction. At twelve months of age she won both the open derby stake and open gun dog stake (retrieving) to capture the record of the youngest dog to win an AKC gun dog stake. She was on the Top Ten Field List for four years with over 60 placements to her credit.
As a producer she is one of two ever BROM duals in the history of the breed, with the distinction of the highest pointed and the producer of the most champions. She is also the breed's only dual dam of a dual daughter (Dual Ch. Lady Athena of Camelot - #1 Field Dog, 1986). Her other daughter, Lady Sarah of Camelot was also #1 Field Dog (Derby) and Top Producing Dam two different years.
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