SIRE: Baron von Fohr
DAM: Frau Anna von Skoy
DOB: 11/8/60
Breeder: Ralph Von Scoy
Owner: Shirley Paulson Walters
WCA Hall of Fame 2011
Mickey was the third son in the Paulsen family, the family gun dog, an all-breed competitive field dog, a show-pointed and obedience-titled versatile dog and the bedrock on which the majority of today's field dogs are founded.
Shirley and Mickey ran in their first field trial and won. Shirley was hooked. He was trialed and shown primarily in Colorado and the surrounding states. Most of his trial experience was in all breed trials, including American Field events. Although Mickey garnered points in the show ring, he lacked a final major to complete his bench championship. He was Colorado Dog of the Year in 1968. He was always owner trained and handled. In all his endeavors he always did the Weimaraner breed proud.
Along with successfully competing in obedience, retrieving, hunting and field trials, he was the family's consummate personal gun dog. Mickey was an extremely intelligent dog with a mischievous side. Some of his “tricks” included opening doors (but not closing them), turning on water faucets (but not turning them off), "sorting" the laundry and going through windows to be with his owner.
Old Mickey's genetic influence lives on in the top field dogs of the 21st century. Since 1981 of the 29 National Field Champions, 27 are his direct descendants. Of the 29 National Amateur Field Champions, 28 are Old Mickey's descendants. Five descendants are WCA Hall of Fame inductees. Over half of the WCA Field Register of Merit sires and dams are descendants. Truly a legendary feat of producing and reproducing quality bird dogs.
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