SIRE: CH Nanis Baht a Pack a Trouble, CD, JH, V, BROM
DAM: CH Nani's Kookaburra, BROM
DOB: 4/22/1992
Breeder: Christine O. Grisell
Owner: Dr. Dana Massey & Pat Miller
WCA Hall of Fame 2006
"Flirt" is what the Weimaraner is supposed to be - versatile! She finished her CH from the puppy class with her first major at 7 months old and her second major as BOB over 15 specials at 8 months old. She was in the Top 10 during five years. Her first appearance on the top ten list was as an 8 month old puppy - her last appearance on the top ten list was as a veteran! Besides her BIS probably one of the most prestigious win was BISS at the Yankee Weimaraner Club specialty in conjunction with the largest National Specialty on record - from the Veteran Class as she made the last lap with the crowd on their feet applauding and yelling...it brought goose bumps as there was no holding back from anyone - this was a great Weimaraner taking a lap with so much side gait her breeder/handler said later "I needed a Flexi to keep up with her." Her show record speaks for itself - in 2 years of specialing she had 47 Group placements with 12 Group Firsts, 132 Best of Breeds, and finished her career with 16 Specialty Awards. She had an Award of Merit at Westminster Kennel Club and three National Awards of Merit - including one from the Veteran Class.
Considering that she competed before the new plethora of titles, her versatility is very impressive. Flirt is the first BIS weimaraner to go BIS while holding an AKC hunting title. She finished her Junior Hunter (JH) in 4 straight qualifications before she was 12 months old - and also ran in the Field Futurity in conjunction with the National Field Trial - the scribe wrote "she had 5 bird finds but was hindered by her handler on foot!" - we were proud as she did a great job as a gentleman's hunting dog! She qualified in four straight Companion Dog (CD) legs from the Novice B class with one 2nd place award. She completed her Novice Agility (NA) from All Breed Novice B classes with 3 placements - then three years later with no practice and as a Veteran, she won 1st Place at the Nationals in Agility Novice B. Her Tracking Dog (TD) was earned on her first try on the very difficult Houston oil field course. Then, when the new title of Agility Jumpers With Weaves (NAJ) was available she quickly prepared and in three qualifications from All Breed Novice B classes again had three placements of two 1st and one 2nd - at nine years old! These titles - CD, TD, NA, NAJ - qualified her for the AKC versatility title of VCD1 - the second weimaraner in history to earn such a title - and still the only Best in Show Weimaraner to hold a VCD1. In addition, she has an NRD plus VX and a CGC. She is still the only Weimaraner with a Versatile Excellent to be an All Breed Best in Show winner. She also had two Dog World Awards.
As a producer, Flirt was a BROM and a Top Producer. Her first litter from CH BIS/BISS Adam von Arras produced 2 Champions of 5 puppies; her second litter from CH BISS Baht N Greywind's Playn the Game JH, BROM, HOF produced 4 champions of 6 puppies. The year she won the BiSS at the YWC specialty at the Nationals, she was also TOP PRODUCING DAM for 1998 with 5 champions that year - 4 of the 5 were strictly owner handled to their Championship with the 5th being handled by the sire's owner - and the 6th finished a month later in 1999 - again novice owner handled with three majors.
Flirt's final days were spent as a constant companion to my grandson, Braden. He was born a quadriplegic - with no use of his hands, arms, legs, or feet. She would pick up toys and hold them to his mouth for him to play. She would snuggle beside him on the floor as a "prop" to keep him in a sitting position. She always placed herself between Braden and anyone she didn't know. When he would be unable to turn over or right himself, she would wedge herself between him and the floor to give him a boost. All of these assists she did with little training.
It is a trip down memory lane when breeders talk about her… it is always positive and touched with awe. She left a mark on many of us. She was, indeed, a great Weimaraner.
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