DUAL CH NAFC NFC Pine Grove Farm's Brunhilde
SIRE: FC Elsmere's Baron, SDX
DAM: Dulcimer's Way-Up Susiana
DOB: 3/31/1960
Breeder: Herbert C. Heller
Owners: Mr. & Mrs. Herbert C. Heller
WCA Hall of Fame 1995
"Bruni's" dam, Way-Up Susiana was a daughter of FC Fritz von Wehmann. Since my husband and I were both interested in hunting, we bred her to Elsmere's Baron, a son of Fritz. While on vacation we boarded Bruni and her littermate with Chet Cummings, who had also trained their dam with the understanding to see if they had any hunting abilities. Chet suggested that we should enter them next month in a field trial. We said what is a field trial? Both puppies placed first and second and we were hooked.
Bruni won several derby stakes, including the Central and at her first WCA National Open All-Age in 1963, the judges said in their critique that this was the dog they were looking for, but after 45 minutes she and her bracemate quit running.
I took her home. In the spring and summer of '64 I ran her every morning on wild birds on Nantucket with a friend of mine, George Ward, and his English Pointer bitch, "Streak." In the fall of '64 we won the WCA National Amateur Championship. Bruni won the National Open All-Age in '67, the Eastern Classic in '68. She also became an AKC field champion.
Another friend of mine persuaded me to show her in conformation. At the age of six she finished in 10 shows, with four majors, going Best of Breed over topwinning specials.
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