SIRE: CH Redhill's Satellite, SDX
DAM: 3x FLD CH Redhill's Fanfare, RD, HOF
DOB 4/28/1972
Breeders/Owners: Ted and Lori Jarmie
WCA Hall of Fame 1991
Fanny Jo placed first in the National Field Futurity and National Open Derby Classic. She was WCA's Top Puppy & Derby (Top Ten Competition). She finished her show championship, defeated only once, and has BOB wins. She finished her field championship in two consecutive weekends, to become the youngest Dual.
Campaigned in a limited way, she has represented her breed well by placing in all-pointing-breed stakes. Fanny Jo was runner-up at the National Championship in 1976.
She is the double granddaughter of the matriarch of Redhill, Greta, and is the third generation of field champions produced through selective line breeding.
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