SIRE: CH Val's Viking vd Reiteralm
DAM: CH Norman's Rona vd Reiteralm, SD, NRD, V, BROM, HOF
DOB: 8/15/1967
Breeders: Virginia Alexander & Sandra Watson
Owner: Gayle Eckenrode-Prescott
WCA Hall of Fame 2013
In 1967 Gayle Eckenrode-Prescott, who was 18 at the time, was at the Weimaraner Club of the Washington DC Area's fall field trial where Ginny Alexander had a beautiful 8-week old puppy named Sprite. Ginny said, "Take the puppy home and if you can talk your parents into letting you keep her, she is yours", so the puppy went home with Gayle. Sprite was handled by Gayle to her show championship winning 4 majors including a 4pt. Major at the Pittsburg Specialty and a 5pt. Major at the Cleveland Specialty, along with two Best In Sweepstakes. At the 1968 Weimaraner Club of the Washington, DC Area Fall Field Trial, Sprite placed 2nd in Open Puppy with an entry of 13.
As impressive as Sprite's show record was, her accomplishments as a Top Producer speaks for itself. She was bred twice to Ch Seneca's Medicine Man, BROM which produced eight pups and once to Ch Halann's Banner v.d. Reiteralm producing only one pup.
• Sprite was #1 BROM Dam from 1977 thru 1991.
• Sprite was the first Weimaraner to produce 2 littermates who both won Best in Show, Ch Springdale's Rhea v.d. Reiteralm, CD and Ch Chatawey's Charley v Reiteralm. This was not done again until 2011. These littermates also won the WCA National Specialty three years in a row, Charley in 1973 and Rhea in 1974 and 1975.
• Sprite's daughter Ch Springdale's Rhea v.d. Reiteralm, CD was the first Weimaraner bitch to win a Best in Show. She also won Best of Breed at Westminster three times.
• At the WCA National Specialty in 1974, Sprite's grandson, Ch Chatawey's Rumor v.d. Reiteralm, BROM was Winners Dog, Best of Winners and Best Opposite Sex. Sprite's daughter Ch Chatawey's Chelsea T, NSD was Winners Bitch and Sprite's daughter Ch Springdale's Rhea v.d. Reiteralm, CD was Best of Breed.
• Sprite's grandson Chatawey's First Smoke, JH was the first Weimaraner to earn the new AKC title of Junior Hunter (JH).
Sprite was with Gayle for 14 years in which she made WCA history and left her mark on the breed. She was one remarkable dog.
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