SIRE: Texmaras Jeb The Great, SD, NRD
DAM: CH Sirius Sweet Samantha
DOB: 4/28/1994
Breeders: Helene S. and Richard W. Moore
Owner: Helene S. Moore
WCA Hall of Fame 2012
ROSIE had only nine puppies, but made history with those pups. Rosie and three littermates were the first Weimaraners to earn NAVHDA's Natural Ability Breeders' Award. All nine puppies of Rosie's pups successfully passed their Natural Ability tests to earn two more Breeders' Awards.
ROSIE was a Top Ten Field Dog, a Top Ten Derby Dog, and a Top Ten Obedience Dog. She won 44 Best of Breed points from the classes. She took First Place in the Open Gun Dog stakes at the 1999 Eastern Classic, and went High in Trial at a Weim Specialty.
ROSIE was the first Dual Champion Weimaraner to produce two Dual Champion offspring: DC Sirius Peppermint Schnapps, NRD, VX, and NFC/DC Sirius Mostly Mongo, JH, NRD,VX. Mongo was the 2005 Weimaraner National Field Champion. Rosie's daughter, Ch. Sweet Polly Purebred, JH, CD, NRD, V, won the Northstar Specialty.
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