SIRE: NAFC FC AFC Snake Breaks Sgt Schultz, FROM, HOF
DAM: FC Arimarlisa's Rudi v Reiteralm, FROM
DOB: 9/6/1996
Breeder: Steve Reynolds
Owners: Jeffrey & Mary Brown
WCA Hall of Fame 2016
Saga was a: National Field Champion, National Amateur Field Champion, Dual Champion, Amateur Field Champion, Master Hunter, Field Registry of Merit producer
He has sired: 1 National Field Champion, 1 Dual Champion, 6 Field Champions, 2 Amateur Field Champions, 2 Master Hunters, 5 Bench Champions
Virginia Alexander saw Saga's potential right from the start and encouraged Jeff & Mary Brown to pick Saga. Early in his field career Saga and his littermates won all 4 placements in the 1998 Western Field Futurity, a feat seldom accomplished in any Futurity. Saga's eagerness to please made him a standout for field trainer Steve Reynolds and he easily finished his Field Championship.
At the 50th running of the WCA National Field Trial, Saga's beautiful, stylish performance was rewarded with a National Field Championship. Yielding to persuasion from Gordon Hansen, Saga was sent to compete in the show ring. Sandy West was thrilled to guide a National Field Champion to a bench championship, again, a feat seldom accomplished.
Back to the field, Saga went on to earn a National Amateur Field Championship with a brilliant performance guided by his best friend, owner Mary Brown. Saga was a prolific sire, including siring a Dual Champion daughter who was also a National Field Champion. In his spare time Saga was also a therapy dog. Saga's abundance of enthusiasm and willingness to please made him truly unforgettable and a joy to have known.
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