SIRE: CH Nani's 'N Tophat's Backlash, CD, NRD, V, BROM
DAM: CH Windwalker's Gemborie, BROM
DOB: 2/9/94
Breeders: Walter & Julie Vetter
Owner: Philip & Arlene Marshrey
WCA Hall of Fame 2018
Best Dog - 1996 Western Maturity
3 All Breed Best in Show wins
9 Weimaraner Specialty Show wins
28 Sporting Dog Group 1 wins
Earned CD Title with first, second and third placements.
1996 - #2 Show Weimaraner
1997 - #1 Show Weimaraner in both show and breed points
#9 Sporting Dog & Winner of the Pedigree Award
1998 - Best of Breed at Westminster Kennel Club show.
Grady was expertly trained and handled in the show ring by Keith Pautz. His ring presence and movement were a pleasure to watch. A prominent show judge commented in the Canine Chronicle saying that Grady was the most masculinely strong Weimaraner he had ever seen - one who carries himself with power, class and style.
Top Producer List - #1 for 2000 and 2002
#2 for 1999 and 2001
Produced 8 Canadian, 1 Latin American and 103 US Show Champions.
His get earned 2,174 Bench Register of Merit (BROM) Points rating Grady #5 in the WCA lifetime BROM ranking.
5 Futurity winners and 1 Maturity Winner
Best of Breed and Specialty winners; Group Placing and Top Ten dogs.
The accomplishments of these offspring in the show ring and in other competitions have demonstrated their versatility in field events, Master Hunter, NAVHDA, Obedience, Agility, Tracking, pet therapy. One of his sons was #1 WCA Versatile Weimaraner for 2006. These dogs and their get carry on his heritage.
Grady was mischievous and Keith was known to chase him down to retrieve a steak out of his mouth. He had an excellent nose, good hunting instincts and desire for birds and a strong, independent run in the field. He loved to swim and retrieving a bird in the water was his favorite. He was willing to try anything we asked of him. He loved the show ring, visiting with people and enjoyed a good howl with everyone joining in. Most of all, he was an amazing dog who brought so much joy to those who were closest to him. There were few like him and he is missed to this day.
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